Defense Industry

This is the first blog in a series covering the Fiscal Year 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (“FY 2025 NDAA”).  This first blog will cover: (1) NDAA sections affecting acquisition policy and contract administration that may be of greatest interest to government contractors; (2) initiatives that underscore Congress’s commitment to strengthening cybersecurity, both domestically and internationally; and (3) NDAA provisions that aim to accelerate the Department of Defense’s adoption of AI and Autonomous Systems and counter efforts by U.S. adversaries to subvert them. 
Continue Reading President Biden signs the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025

This is part of a series of Covington blogs on the implementation of Executive Order 14028, “Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity,” issued by President Biden on May 12, 2021 (the “Cyber EO”).  The first blog summarized the Cyber EO’s key provisions and timelines, and the subsequent blogs described the actions taken

Continue Reading November 2024 Developments Under President Biden’s Cybersecurity Executive Order and National Cybersecurity Strategy

On November 15, 2024, the Department of Defense (“DoD”) published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (“Proposed Rule”) entitled “Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement: Disclosure of Information Regarding Foreign Obligations.”  The Proposed Rule would impose new disclosure obligations on “Offeror[s]” (pre-award) and “Contractor[s]” (post-award) that are triggered in certain

Continue Reading Department of Defense Publishes Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Disclosure of Computer and Source Code to Foreign Entities

On Tuesday, October 22, 2024, Pennsylvania State University (“Penn State”) reached a settlement with the Department of Justice (“DoJ”), agreeing to pay the US Government (“USG”) $1.25M for alleged cybersecurity compliance violations under the False Claims Act (“FCA”).  This settlement follows a qui tam action filed by a whistleblower and former employee of Penn State’s Applied Research Laboratory.  The settlement agreement provides some additional insight into the priorities of DoJ’s Civil Cyber Fraud Initiative (“CFI”) and the types of cybersecurity issues of interest to the Department.  It also highlights the extent to which DoJ is focusing on the full range of cybersecurity compliance obligations that exist in a company’s contract in enforcement actions.Continue Reading Penn State Agrees to Pay $1.25M in Settlement for Cybersecurity Non-Compliance False Claims Act Allegations

The Office of Strategic Capital (“OSC”) within the Department of Defense (“DOD”) has launched a Credit Program, under which it will provide debt financing in critical technology areas that drive national and economic security.  As an initial step, OSC is soliciting applications for equipment loans, which may be submitted between

Continue Reading DOD Office of Strategic Capital Begins Its Direct Lending Efforts to Secure U.S. Industrial Base

A key component of President Biden’s October 2023 Executive Order on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence is a directive to develop a mandatory industrial base survey for the development of advanced artificial intelligence (“AI”) models and computing clusters.  Leveraging authority under the Defense Production Act, President Biden charged the Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security (“BIS”) to implement this industrial base assessment.  On September 9, 2024, BIS proposed to amend its Industrial Base survey regulations by establishing reporting requirements for the development of advanced AI models and possession of large-scale computing clusters.

Section 4.2(a)(ii) of the October 2023 Executive Order directed BIS to “require companies, individuals, and other organizations or entities that acquire, develop, or possess a potential large-scale computing cluster to report any such acquisition, development, or possession,” as its authority for the proposed rule.  BIS had previously released a mandatory survey for companies it had identified as “developing or planning to develop potential dual-use foundation models.”  This proposed rule now sets forth further reporting requirements, as well additional details on the rationale for the survey – rationale that could have serious implications for government contractors.Continue Reading Every Quarter, On the Quarter:  BIS Proposes New Reporting Requirements for the Development of Advanced Artificial Intelligence Models and Possession of Large-Scale Computing Clusters

A recent decision by the Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals found the Navy liable to a commercial crane manufacturer for delay damages. In Konecranes Nuclear Equip. & Servs., LLC, ASBCA No. 62797, 2024 WL 2698011 (May 7, 2024), the Board reiterated the age-old lesson—you have to read the contract—and provided guidance about how to calculate the delay damages. Beyond that, the Board found apparent inspiration for part of its holding in an unlikely source: a classic song by the Rolling Stones.Continue Reading You Can’t Always Get What You Want: ASBCA Channels Rolling Stones and Awards Contractor $4.9 Million in Delay Damages

The Federal government may soon adopt new rules for when indefinite delivery contracts and orders are subject to the Cost Accounting Standards. According to a June 18, 2024 notice, the CAS Board is considering multiple different approaches to this issue, and it has invited comments from the public.Continue Reading Wondering Whether Your IDIQ Award Will Be Subject to CAS?  New Rules May Be Coming Soon from the CAS Board.

This is part of a series of Covington blogs on implementation of Executive Order 14028, “Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity,” issued by President Biden on May 12, 2021 (the “Cyber EO”).  The first blog summarized the Cyber EO’s key provisions and timelines, and the subsequent blogs  described the actions taken by various government agencies to implement the Cyber EO from June 2021through February 2024.  This blog describes key actions taken to implement the Cyber EO, as well as the U.S. National Cybersecurity Strategy, during March 2024.  It also describes key actions taken during March 2024 to implement President Biden’s Executive Order on Artificial Intelligence (the “AI EO”), particularly its provisions that impact cybersecurity, secure software, and federal government contractors. Continue Reading March 2024 Developments Under President Biden’s Cybersecurity Executive Order, National Cybersecurity Strategy, and AI Executive Order

On March 12, 2024, the Department of Defense (DoD) published a final rule, revising the eligibility criteria for the voluntary DoD Defense Industrial Base (DIB) Cybersecurity (CS) Activities Program.  The intent of the rule is to permit all defense contractors that own or operate unclassified information systems that process, store, or transmit covered defense information to participate in the program.  Previously, only cleared contractors were permitted to participate in the sharing of this information.  The final rule also amends identity proofing requirements by eliminating the need to obtain a medium security certificate to participate in either the voluntary or mandatory reporting regimes.  The rule will take effect on April 11, 2024, and DoD anticipates a significant increase in contractor participation.

Additional information about the rule is outlined below.Continue Reading DoD Expands Contractor Cybersecurity Information Sharing Program