In his first few days in office, President Trump issued several executive orders (“EOs”) and memoranda, many of which may have implications for federal contractors and grant recipients, including the following:Continue Reading President Trump Issues Numerous Executive Orders with Potential Impacts on Federal Contractors and Grant Recipients

Peter Terenzio
Peter Terenzio routinely advises clients regarding the multiple regulatory regimes that apply to federal contractors. His practice also extends outside of traditional government procurement contracts to include federal grants and Other Transaction Authority (OTA) research, prototype, and production agreements.
Among other things, Peter regularly helps clients with the constantly evolving domestic-preference requirements promulgated pursuant to various federal laws, including, for example, the Buy American Act (BAA) and Trade Agreements Act (TAA), but also including more recently the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). He also has particular experience with helping clients navigate the complicated prevailing wage rules imposed by the Davis Bacon Act (DBA) and Service Contact Act (SCA). Peter has used this regulatory knowledge to help clients negotiate the specifics of their contracts, grants, and OTA agreements.
Peter also has significant experience with the disputes that may arise during the execution of government prime contracts. He knows how to work closely with the client's subject matter experts to prepare and submit detailed requests for equitable adjustment (REAs) in order to secure much-needed price or schedule relief. Where necessary, he has assisted clients with converting their REAs into certified claims, and when disputes cannot be resolved at the Contracting Officer level, he has helped clients vindicate their contractual rights in litigation before the Boards of Contract Appeals.
It Takes Two: SBA Proposes Applying “Rule of Two” to Multiple-Award Contracts
SBA’s “Rule of Two” often requires federal agencies to set aside an acquisition for small businesses whenever there is reasonable expectation that offers will be obtained from at least two small businesses that are competitive in terms of fair market prices, quality, and delivery.
On Friday, SBA issued a Proposed Rule that would extend the reach of the Rule of Two by applying it to orders issued under many multiple-award contracts. As such, under SBA’s proposal, agencies would be required to set aside an order under a multiple-award contract when there is a reasonable expectation of obtaining competitive offers from two or more small business contract holders, unless an exception – including an exception for Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) contracts – applies.
SBA believes that this rule, if adopted, would: (1) align multiple-award contract purchases with the Small Business Act’s requirement that a fair proportion of the total purchases and contracts for goods and services be awarded to small businesses; (2) resolve confusion created by contradictory interpretations of the Rule of Two; and (3) increase contracting opportunities for small businesses, particularly small disadvantaged businesses (SDBs).
More details are below. Continue Reading It Takes Two: SBA Proposes Applying “Rule of Two” to Multiple-Award Contracts
Public Comments to Proposed Rule Underscore the Need for Additional Clarity on SBA Recertification Requirements
The Small Business Administration (“SBA”) recently issued a proposed rule that would significantly change the rules concerning small business recertification in M&A transactions and other events (the “Proposed Rule”). SBA has framed the Proposed Rule as a consolidation of what is currently a scattered set of regulations, but the rule goes further than consolidating and clarifying existing law. It would expand recertification requirements in several key ways, including eliminating exemptions that currently allow contractors to continue to utilize set-aside multiple award vehicles after a so-called “disqualifying recertification” (i.e., a recertification as other than small or other than disadvantaged).
SBA invited public comment on the Proposed Rule. The deadline for submitting comments passed last week. We have spent some time reviewing the comments submitted thus far, which provide insight into the issues that affect both small business contractors and the industry writ large. As discussed below, many of the comments describe the potential chilling effects of the Proposed Rule, which could deprive contractors of key income streams just as they graduate from small business status and discourage investors and other contractors from acquiring small businesses that hold multiple award contracts.
The sections below describe the Proposed Rule in greater detail and provide an overview of the comments to the Proposed Rule.Continue Reading Public Comments to Proposed Rule Underscore the Need for Additional Clarity on SBA Recertification Requirements
DoD Rolls Out Proposed Changes to Prototype OTA Regulations
On September 4, DoD published a proposed rule updating the other transaction (OT) regulations set forth in 32 CFR part 3. These updates are intended to implement various changes to the prototype OT statute (42 U.S.C § 4022) previously enacted by Congress. Among other things, those changes included:
- An expansion of the “appropriate circumstances” under which a prototype OT may be issued, to include situations involving participation by nonprofit research institutions, participation by small businesses, or opportunities “to expand the defense supply base”; and
- Authority for DoD to issue follow-on “production” OTs on a sole source basis, provided that competitive procedures were used for award of the initial prototype OT.
Although these changes were already applicable to DoD as a matter of statute, the proposed rule would ensure that the CFR is aligned with the statute and that the regulations provide accurate guidance. More details are below.Continue Reading DoD Rolls Out Proposed Changes to Prototype OTA Regulations
Treasury and IRS Release New Guidance on Inflation Reduction Act Domestic Content Bonus Credit
On May 16, 2024, the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) and Department of Treasury (“Treasury”) published Notice 2024-41 (the “2024 Guidance”), which provides new guidance for securing the domestic content bonus credit established by the Inflation Reduction Act (“IRA”). As described in more detail below, the 2024 Guidance builds on the existing framework contained in Notice 2023-38 (the “2023 Guidance”), which was released last May. Most notably, the 2024 Guidance expands the range of applicable projects subject to the safe harbor in the 2023 Guidance and adds a “New Elective Safe Harbor” to determine cost percentages for the domestic content calculation in solar, onshore wind, and battery storage projects.Continue Reading Treasury and IRS Release New Guidance on Inflation Reduction Act Domestic Content Bonus Credit
Chips on the Table: FAR Council Releases Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Implement Prohibition on Purchase and Use of Certain Semiconductors
Today, the Federal Acquisition Regulatory Council (“FAR Council”) released an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (the “ANPRM”) describing the agencies’ plan to implement Section 5949 of the National Defense Authorization Act (“NDAA”) for FY 23 (Pub. L. 117-263).
Section 5949 prohibits the Federal Government from procuring certain semiconductor parts, products, or services traceable to named Chinese companies and potentially other foreign countries of concern. To that end, the ANPRM invites public comment on the proposed contents of an implementing FAR clause, to take effect December 23, 2027.
As discussed below, the FAR Council proposed applying the regulations broadly to all solicitations and contracts, including commercial item and commercially available off-the-shelf (“COTS”) contracts, subject only to a limited waiver. Although not set out in the statute, the clause would require contractors to conduct a “reasonable inquiry” into their supply chain to detect potential violations. It would also require both disclosure and the taking of corrective action in the event that nonconforming products or services are discovered.
More details are below, and our previous coverage of Section 5949 is available here.Continue Reading Chips on the Table: FAR Council Releases Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Implement Prohibition on Purchase and Use of Certain Semiconductors
Whose Site Is It Anyway: Trade Groups Challenge DOL’s Prevailing Wage Calculation and Expanded Definition of the Site of Work Under the Davis-Bacon Act
The requirement to pay “prevailing wages” to covered workers is a perennial aspect of many types of government contracting, including construction contracts subject to the Davis-Bacon Act (“DBA”) and certain related laws (collectively referred to as the Davis-Bacon and Related Acts or “DBRA”). In recent years, Congress has also expanded the reach of prevailing wage requirements to new industries: clean energy projects seeking to take advantage of federal tax credits under the Inflation Reduction Act are required to ensure that prevailing wages are paid or may be forced to forfeit valuable credits. Semiconductor manufacturers — as well as manufacturers of materials and equipment used to make semiconductors — that seek to take advantage of the incentives established by the CHIPS Act are likewise required to follow the prevailing wage requirements of the DBA.
It was in this context that the Department of Labor (“DOL”) introduced a 222-page final rule, “Updating the Davis-Bacon and Related Acts Regulations,” that substantially rewrote the implementing regulations under the DBRA. Among other things, the final rule alters how DOL calculates the prevailing wage rates for each locality, and expands the definition of the “site of work” and categories of workers subject to the DBA. Moreover, the final rule imposes the DBA by operation of law on federal construction contracts that would otherwise be covered, but that nevertheless do not include the requisite FAR clauses and wage determinations used to inform contractors of the DBA’s requirements. The potential impact of these changes has not gone unnoticed: last month, two trade associations — the Associated Builders and Contractors of Southeast Texas, Inc. (“ABCSETX”) and the Associated General Contractors of America (“AGC”) — filed separate suits challenging multiple aspects of the final rule, including the changes to prevailing wage calculation methodology and the revised definition of the site of work. We expand on the final rule’s changes — and on the pending legal challenges — below. Continue Reading Whose Site Is It Anyway: Trade Groups Challenge DOL’s Prevailing Wage Calculation and Expanded Definition of the Site of Work Under the Davis-Bacon Act
Treasury Releases Long-Awaited Guidance for Domestic Content Bonus Credit Under Inflation Reduction Act
On May 12, 2023, the Department of Treasury issued long-awaited guidance addressing the so-called domestic content “bonus credit” available under the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (“IRA”). As we have discussed elsewhere in detail, the IRA incorporates extensions of the existing clean energy tax credits under IRC section 45 and section 48 and establishes new “technology neutral” versions of these credits (pursuant to sections 45Y and 48E) that will become available starting in 2025. At the same time, the IRA also establishes a new 10% domestic content bonus credit that may be claimed in combination with these tax credits provided that the taxpayer: (1) uses U.S.-made iron and steel during construction of the energy-generation facility; and (2) ensures that the cost of any domestic manufactured products that are components of the facility meets a specified domestic content threshold.
The IRA statutory provision left open several key questions regarding how these domestic content requirements would work in practice (including, for example, how the threshold percentage would be calculated). Last Friday, Treasury issued long-awaited guidance (Notice 2023-38 or the “Notice”) that, among other things, addresses: (1) the contours of the “iron and steel” requirement; and (2) the method by which the adjusted percentage is to be calculated. While the guidance is consistent with traditional Buy America principles in certain respects, it also introduces both new concepts and new terminology — particularly with regards to the domestic content percentage calculation — which we discuss in detail below. Continue Reading Treasury Releases Long-Awaited Guidance for Domestic Content Bonus Credit Under Inflation Reduction Act
GSA Issues Request for Information on Photovoltaic Systems
Last December, President Biden issued Executive Order 14057, “Catalyzing Clean Energy Industries and Jobs Through Federal Sustainability,” which directed the government to adopt cleaner and more sustainable procurement practices, with the ultimate objective of net-zero emissions by 2050.
Pursuant to that directive, GSA has issued a new RFI seeking information regarding domestically manufactured solar photovoltaic (PV) panels and systems, as well as PV system installation. GSA intends to use the information to develop a solar PV procurement strategy and a procurement standard for use in future solicitations — including solicitations for Power Purchase Agreements (PPA), Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPCs), Utility Energy Service Contracts (UESCs), and other vehicles.
Given the RFI’s emphasis on sourcing and country of origin, it is possible that any new procurement standards for civilian contracting would parallel existing regulations at DFARS 252.225-7017, which generally require DoD contractors to make use of PV devices originating from the United States or certain designated or qualifying countries. Of course, the ultimate impact of the RFI on future procurement strategy remains to be seen. What is certain, however, is that the Administration is committed to clean technology procurements and that domestic preferences remain an overriding and central concern.
Comments in response to the RFI are due by November 18, 2022. More detail about specific topics covered in the RFI is below.Continue Reading GSA Issues Request for Information on Photovoltaic Systems
Biden Administration Announces Priorities for the Implementation of the CHIPS Act of 2022
On August 25, 2022, President Biden announced a new Executive Order (“EO”) addressing the Implementation of the CHIPS Act of 2022 (“CHIPS Act”). The CHIPS Act was signed by President Biden on August 9, 2022, and, among other things, authorizes $39 billion in funding for new projects to establish semiconductor production facilities within the United States. The new EO identifies the Administration’s implementation priorities for this CHIPS Act funding and creates the CHIPS Implementation Steering Council to aid with the rollout of administrative guidance. In connection with the EO, the Department of Commerce launched, which is intended to be a centralized resource for potential applicants of CHIPS funding. The EO and new website reflect the Administration’s intent to swiftly implement the CHIPS Act and increase the domestic production of semiconductors. Continue Reading Biden Administration Announces Priorities for the Implementation of the CHIPS Act of 2022