A recent Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals decision serves as a timely reminder for contractors to carefully read and consider any release of claims before signing — especially when you may have otherwise-recoverable coronavirus-related cost increases.
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Release of Claims
Left Holding the Bag: Release Provision Precludes Recovery for Costs Incurred Post-Release
Over the last year, we have reported extensively on various government contract decisions regarding contract releases. In Sylvan B. Orr v. Department of Agriculture, CBCA 5299 (Sep. 29, 2017), the Civilian Board of Contract Appeals (“CBCA” or “Board”) published yet another notable opinion on this topic. This decision demonstrates why it is critical to reserve your rights regarding potential claims sparked by conduct that occurs before a release of claims provision is signed—even when the additional costs at issue are not incurred until after the release is executed.
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A Tale of Two Contract Releases: One for the Government, One for the Contractor
On the heels of our recent post offering key takeaways from recent release of claims decisions, the ASBCA and the CBCA have published another round of notable opinions regarding contract releases: Supply & Service Team GmbH, ASBCA No. 59630 and ServiTodo, LLC, CBCA 5524. Both decisions are important, albeit for different reasons. The ASBCA decision demonstrates how a release provision in a contract modification providing an equitable adjustment can bar the government from processing an administrative offset against a contractor. The CBCA decision illustrates the difficulties contractors face when attempting to minimize the impact of a broadly worded release of claims provision.
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Key Takeaways From Recent Decisions Discussing Release Of Claims Provisions
Over the last few months, we’ve reported on various government contracts decisions that illustrate the impact a release of claims provision can have on contractors. A few weeks ago, we published a Feature Comment in The Government Contractor (titled “Release Me? Five Things Every Government Contractor Needs To Know Before …
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