The Department of Health and Human Services published a notice on March 30, 2020 — effective March 25, 2020 — designating certain COVID-19-related personal protective equipment (“PPE”) and materials as “scarce” or “threatened” materials subject to the Defense Production Act’s (“DPA”) anti-hoarding provisions. As a result of this notice, the DPA now prohibits the accumulation of these materials in excess of reasonable demands of business, personal, or home consumption. The notice also results in a prohibition of the accumulation of these materials for the purpose of resale at prices in excess of the prevailing market rate.
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Health Care
Changes Ahead for TRICARE Managed Care Support Program?
In a move that signals the start of the acquisition cycle for the DOD’s largest purchased care contract, the Defense Health Agency (“DHA”) has released a draft RFP for the next generation of TRICARE Managed Care Support (“MCS”) contracts. The TRICARE program, which provides health care services to nearly 10 million servicemembers and their families across the country, relies on private contractors to develop and maintain health care provider networks. Given both the size of these contracts — the current third-generation MCS contracts are worth more than $53 billion — and their strategic importance to the DOD in delivering health care to millions of servicemembers, the TRICARE MCS procurement will be closely watched by both government and industry stakeholders alike. And although elements of the program outlined in the draft RFP will be familiar to past participants in the MCS program, the next generation of MCS contracts also features several new characteristics that could significantly impact the contract award and performance.
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